The Process

The First Appointment

We can meet in my showroom or at location of your convenience.

During our first session we discuss your wishes and requirements. A wedding outfit takes a different approach than mapping out a wardrobe for business purposes. Based on this information I recommend cloth and outline my idea regarding the style of the garments.


Fitting and Design

If you wish to place an order, we move forward and design even the smallest of details of the garment(s).

The first fitting takes place after the design process. A fitting garment is selected in the closest size. This is my base to work from. I inspect the garment on you, and carefully note all the necessary changes regarding posture, circumference, and length.

The goal of the fitting is that the end result can change your attitude towards clothing in general.

By five to eight weeks time…

Eszterházy kockás nadrág

The Second Appointment

Delivery of the finished garment(s) for a final fitting. The first impression of looking at yourself in the mirror is a crucial one, the feeling the piece(s), nonetheless. We exchange notes to establish the verdict.

If we agree that the fit can still be improved, I note the necessary alterations and send the garment to a professional alteration tailor in Budapest. The lead time of this work is around one week.

méretre készített öltöny


With each subsequent order your fit profile is updated and saved. If we both agree that the fit can’t be improved, it is only necessary to choose cloth and design details for new orders.

This helps to build you wardrobe in an enjoyable and convenient way. If you would like to know more about the process and options available, don’t hesitate to get in touch.